Wow, it is crazy how fast time is flying. Let me see, where should I begin.....well class started on the 15
th of May. Well that was the official class start date but in reality they had us busy doing all kinds of
in processing and medical stuff for a good week before class started. The first day primarily consisted of briefings and more briefings and then we had to take a boldface/ops limits test. Boldface...oh how I love boldface. Boldface are checklist items that are performed during an emergency. They have to be completely memorized and for the test have to be written from memory....perfectly. It's all about attention to detail. Every letter has to be capitalized and punctuation has to be perfect. There were a couple of people that didn't pass
which means that now we have to wear dress blues to class now instead of our flight suits (which are basically like pajamas). The first week we learned about aerospace physiology. Basically we learned about the effects that flight has on the human body. We also learned how to properly eject from the T-6 and how to land properly. I though that week was super interesting. We got to drag
each other around by parachute cords while the person being drug had to release his cables. It was fun. We took a test at the end of the week, it wasn't too bad, I think 2 questions. The second week was all about systems. We spent hours and hours learning about thinks like hydraulic systems, communication systems, flight instruments, blah blah blah. The T-6 actually has some pretty impressive technology.
On the weekends I've been able to see some cool local places and have started to love kayaking. I've gone almost every weekend since I've been here and love it. I want to buy a kayak now but the only trick is going to be convincing my wife that we need one.